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In 2022 Pequoig Farm returned to Nipmuc stewardship thanks to a partnership with The Farm School, and their desire to uplift our tribe's self-determination. We are working with The Farm School to transfer the 181 acre farm to the Nipmuc Community. The return of land, for no cost, marks a significant step towards the revitalization of traditional foodways and resolute resistance to the ongoing colonization of Nipmuc land. This land supports our connection to the region's natural systems; embracing cultivation, hunting, foraging, fishing, fiber arts, medicine-making, and ceremony. In doing so, we are reshaping our relationship with the land, food, and each other. This transformative journey allows us to regain control of our food system, addressing the long-term effects of colonization, enhancing health outcomes, and strengthening our food sovereignty.

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Our Work


Advancing Nipmuc food sovereignty by building a healthy, robust farm ecosystem that provides food, medicine, land based education, and cultural connection for our tribal community.


Our Values


Decision making and farm practices are rooted in the work of becoming sovereign again.


Mentorship and training of the next generation of Nipmucs is the path to making this work sustainable.


We pay close attention to the health of both biological and sociopolitical ecosystems and work to be in right relationship using an agroecological framework. 


The work is intergenerational – we honor our ancestors by keeping community and culture at the heart of all we do.

Our Goals


Produce healthy foods and medicines for the Nipmuc Community within a farm system that is as self-sufficient and resilient as possible.


Skill-up Nipmuc people and families for land based work and farming by teaching traditional and modern agrarian skills in harmony.


Create a welcoming and safe environment where Nipmuc people, values, traditions, ceremony, foods and lifeways thrive and can be practiced, remembered and supported.


Revive mutually beneficial kinship relationship with the land.


Indigenous-centered stewardship guided by matriarchal principles. 

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