Nipmuc Land Project

At this time, Pequoig Farm is a fiscally sponsored project of The Farm School
To connect with us, reach out to:
100% of donations made to Pequoig Farm go to Pequoig Farm
Ways to Give
Other Ways to Give
If you would like to donate via check, please make it payable to The Farm School
Check Memo: Pequoig Farm
Mail to: 488 Moore Hill Rd. Athol, MA 01331
Work Place Matching Gifts: If your company has a matching gift program, you may be able to increase the value of your contribution. Please check with your human resources department.
Donor Advised Funds: If you hold a DAF, please consider recommending The Farm School: Pequoig Farm for a grant.
The Farm School is a 501c3 public charity. Our tax-exempt ID number is 22-2959081. To connect with us, please call 978-249-2656 (General Farm School Voicemail) or email
Your support helps tend seeds of connection and community.
Nenawun Tabutontamoonk (we give thanks)

Wish List
We love good quality gently used and new items and gifts. We do not have capacity to accept everything, so please reach out via email to to see if your gift is a good match and we can help coordinate by mail or drop-off. We do not have capacity to pick items up unless they are of extraordinary value or close proximity.
Items We're Interested In
Large pots (20+ quarts)
Cast iron cookware and grates for outdoor cooking
Gently used camp gear (sleeping bags, tents, stoves etc…)
Kayaks and or canoes and LifeJackets of all sizes
Outdoor utility sink (metal or fiberglass)
Maple sugaring supplies
Gently used garden/farm tools (broad fork, rakes, hoes, shovels, forks etc…)
Food grade 5 gallon buckets with twist tops
Yurts or large canvas tents w/ platforms
Gently used, functioning appliances (washer/dryer, mini fridge, chest freezers etc…)
Balls, jump ropes, outdoor kids toys in good shape, small play structure
Drinks for the crew: seltzers, tea, gatorade, hot cocoa, coffee, electrolyte tabs
Snacks for the crew: tanka bars, granola/energy bars, healthy microwavable shelf stable items for quick lunches, chips/crackers/pretzels
We also appreciate locally raised frozen pastured meat to share with community via our meat distribution + venison or whole deer and bulk winter storage vegetables.